Monday, April 11, 2011


I have my brother.
My whole life I remember hearing about him
But, I never knew him.

I also heard of my Grandma
She died before I was born
And I guess in my mind, there was no difference between the two.
I would say my brother is alive
But, when it came down to it, I had never seen him
Never heard his voice
Never seen his face.
He was just like a fairytale
A nice story about the brother I always dreamed of.

This weekend, I found him online, and made the first contact with him of my life.
I saw pictures of him.
He knows who I am
He's not just a story anymore.

I was so happy.
I felt a depth of happiness that I don't know if I have ever experienced before.
I cried.
Tears of joy.
Then, it would hit me in ways
Sometimes, I'd squeal
Sometimes, I'd jump up in down
Sometimes, I'd tear up
Sometimes, I'd say, "I have a brother!!"

I think this is how some people view God.
He's just some story they've heard their whole lives
But, when you search for Him
When you reach out
He meets you there
And He will communicate with you
and show you His face
and His heart
and when you experience that, you can't contain it

It's a beautiful thing.

Also, I think this is how God feels when we reach out
So happy that we have chosen Him.
After all His years of waiting.

This beautiful imagry brought tears to my eyes.
I'm overwhelmed, in a good way.

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