Monday, April 8, 2013


Every year around this time, I find myself in a funny place.
It hasn't been so bad the last couple of years, but this year hit hard.

Going through old myspace messages, I stumbled upon this.

" you just have to KNOW that HE writes your life .... not you."

Dang, Space. You hit the nail on the head.

One thing I really love about this friend.
I've known her for a while. We can go months and months without talking.

I need something? I can call.
I need prayer? I can text her.
I need advice? Holla atcha girl.
I need blunt honest truth? She's my first thought.

That's what I've always valued about her.
She tells me the truth, even when it isn't what I want to hear.
Forget feelings.
She loves me enough to not let those stop her.

She inspires me everyday.
And I'm super grateful to have her in my life.

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