Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I feel like I'm suffocating.
And I don't know what to do about it. 
I don't even want to make this post. Because I don't want certain people to read it. And get all concerned. There's nothing to be concerned about.
I just don't understand where I am and why.
Why I can't just be alone. Why won't people leave me alone?
People are starting to get too personal, and it's making me feel like I'm going to implode.
I just want people to leave me alone, is that too much to ask?
I'm not saying I want to be alone. No, there's a difference.
I want to be left alone.
There are people who you can be with, who don't ask the personal questions. Who can just live and enjoy that life with you. Nothing deep.
I don't want deep right now.
Not from most people.
I want to be left alone.

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