Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I think it's interesting how people will think we're being super-overly Christian and throwing it in their face when actually we aren't saying a word.
My co-worker just told me about a guy that came into the shop. He was talking about how he was thinking of organizing a chess tournament here, but that this place was too Christian for it.
...first off, how is Christianity a factor in chess?
Second off, and this is something that my co-worker pointed out herself, that she has never heard someone blatantly go up and preach to anyone. Yes, a lot of Christians work here and come here, but there are some in both categories that are not.
And even us that are, we don't go around throwing it in people's faces.
I thought it was interesting that this man was so convicted simply by our presence, and the Holy Spirit's presence in us.
The man is a professed agnostic.
I remember praying for a really tall agnostic girl at camp a few years back. I think about her randomly throughout the year and pray for her. I wish I could find her again and see how she is.

Another thought.
Think of Jesus dying on the cross.
Why did He do it?
Because He loves us, right?
Well, I had a new view of this,
I'm sure it's one many people have already thought
But, it was rather new to me...

A lot of the connotation of why Jesus went through everything He did was out of obligation.
He had to so we could be saved.
But, why?
No one would go through something that gruesome unless they were passionate about what it was they were suffering for.
Jesus is passionate about you. He loves you so much that He chose to go through all of that for us.
He willingly gave up His life because He knew what it meant
It meant relationship with us.
It meant we wouldn't have to suffer
It meant we could have a second chance.
He didn't just leave us
And He didn't save us out of obligation
He saved us because He genuinely loves us.
He doesn't look at our mistakes with shame
He looks at us, who we are, not our sin, not our mistakes.
He looks at us. The ones He loves. The ones He died for.
He sees us for our potential.
He loves us.

See if you can get that image.
Because we so often misconstrue it.

He loves us.
Simple as that.

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