Friday, June 24, 2011


While driving with a new friend, a random thing came up in conversation

"You can be kinda intimidating"

I've heard this before
And honestly, I've never understood it.

Me? Intimidating?

I asked my friend, she said,
"Well, you're always so happy, and outgoing"
She didn't mean it in a bad way
I laughed, and told her I'm an introvert, and actually don't have a lot of confidence.

I find it ironic...

I told a good friend of mine who knows new friend about the conversation.
what she said made sense.
"Well, you are. But not in a bad way. You and (other good friend) are the same way. Like even if you didn't know her, you wouldn't dare litter around her. You can just feel it off of her. You both have this air about you, this presence, that when people are around you, they want to be better people. It's a good thing"

It really meant a lot to  me.
To hear that, you know?
Because another good friend and I were discussing how I'm opposite of what people think and expect. And how weird it is. And how I still don't really know why.
But to know that I'm doing something right... that people can really see Jesus in me, and I don't have to say a word...
It's humbling...
Makes me want to keep living life right.

I just wish that good friend would see that I'm no better than she.
That she can be like this too.
Her potential is through the roof.

so, I pray
I pray her heart will heal, and that she'll understand
And that she'll know how precious she truly is.

One day.
That's a promise.

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