Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hopes and Dreams.

I was at a friends house the other day, when she decided to play twenty questions on me.
The first one?
"What are your hopes and dreams?"
Seems like and easy question, right?
I mean, I am quite the dreamer.
Yet, for some reason, I found myself without an answer.

I told this situation to a close friend of mine yesterday
her response,
"Well, what are your hopes and dreams? Surely you have some"
Still, I'm without words.
"What do you like doing? Besides photography"
"I don't know... I just like life"

I've been rolling over this question consistently now.
Hopes and Dreams.
Why is this so hard for me?
Maybe because everything I do is based on what God tells me
But, surely I can still have hopes and still have dreams
one of my favorite verses is one given to me during my first year at Bible School
Hebrews 10:23, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, because He Who promised is faithful."
My favorite part of the scripture is the fact that is says hope, not faith or any of the other words commonly used.
Hold to the hope.
Well, my hope comes from the Lord...
Not to sound cheesy, or super-spiritual or anything
but, really.
Life is disappointing, but if you look to Jesus, and put your hope in Him, you find purpose, you find a reason to keep going with the day to day nonsense.
You see the reason behind it when you don't look with your natual eyes.

So, maybe one day I'll have an answer that makes people happy.
But for now, I just keep living
Hoping in my Lord, and dreaming of the day all my dreams come true.

That's answer enough for me.


  1. the question was hard for me too...I didn't really answer it...

  2. I think the whole thing was difficult for me...
    I'm still not really sure how I feel about it...
