Friday, August 16, 2013


Words are powerful, y'all.
Someone once told me if you think something nice about someone, tell them.
Even if you don't have reason to.
Even if they seem to be at a higher level than you.
Even if you don't know them.
Even if they are at a "lower level" than you.
Even if they've heard it a million times.
Even if you think they know it.

They may not.
They may have forgotten.
They may need to hear it one more time.
They may have never been told.

When it comes down to it, what bad could it do to say nice words?
Nothing truly bad can come out of kindness.
Nothing you'll regret can come from kindness.
If it's done with a true, honest, and humble heart.

A few of the kind things I've been told recently:
"Your coffee is better than starbucks!"
"We come over here every year and have stayed at almost every place there is, and I must say, you're the kindest person we have ever encountered."
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever met!!"
That was one I had never heard before.
The one before, that's one I needed to hear.

You never know what people are going through, even if they seem to be doing just fine in life.
Sometimes, those can be some of the people hurting the most.
Encourage the encouragers.

I was in the line at HEB not too long ago.
A really sweet lady was our checker.
The lady before us had a price issue on peaches, and it took a little bit of time in the express lane.
I waited. Because I was so impressed with her kindness and professionalism.
I told her, "You are one of the kindest people I've ever had at the check out."
She replied with a laugh, "And the slowest!"
To which I said, "I would take kindness over speed any day."
Her eyes got wide and misty as she said, "Thank you so much for saying that. I'm still pretty new here and don't have everything figured out yet. Thank you so much."

I would have never guessed in a million years she was new. That she felt like she was falling below the bar. That she needed those words. I could have kept them to myself, but what my friend told me echoed in my ears. Holding back the words won't benefit you any, why not just set them free?

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