Saturday, August 24, 2013

Who are you dreaming for?

I set some goals for myself
Actively pursuing my dreams.
Working hard for a two year time frame to try and get this accomplished.

At the beginning, it seemed impossible.
But here it is.
It's happened.
I did it.

Now, is there a big fanfare for this?
Is there a celebration for my accomplishments?
What I'm finding is that most of the people closest to me still think I'm ridiculous.
They may say "congratulations" or ask me about it, but you can tell the difference between someone who really supports you and someone who is just being condescending.

Even though I've done it, I've accomplished this huge goal for myself, people still think I'm being juvenile.
That I need to get over it.
They have an "okay, you've done it. Now it's over, right?" kind of attitude.

But that's just it.
This is never going to be over for me.
If I had my way, I'd do this every single day of my life.
Sadly, I can't afford to do that, and I wrestle with feelings of emptiness on days that are spent otherwise.
They feel wasted.
They feel pointless.

So, who am I dreaming for?
Am I dreaming for the applause of those people around me?
Am I dreaming for a "job well done!" ?
Am I dreaming for a pat on the back?
Am I dreaming to somehow make someone else proud of me?

I'm dreaming for myself.
I'm dreaming to accomplish my own goals.
I'm dreaming to show myself that I can
I'm dreaming to show myself that things that seem impossible are indeed possible.
I'm dreaming to make myself proud of myself, to feel accomplished inside, to express this longing that lives deep down.
And if someone else can get something out of it along the way, even better.
But this is for me.
Anyone else, and I'm only setting myself up for disappointment.

So, pat yourself on the back.
Shut out the haters.
Dream for yourself.

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