Friday, August 30, 2013

I have all I need.

Hours have been slow and tips have been scarce here lately.
I'm trying not to worry about it, because the Lord told me He would take care of me. I know I can take Him at His word.
I still have to remind myself of this each time reality starts to sink in a little deeper.
Today was one of those days.
I usually pay for gas with tips, but being that they have become few and far between, I haven't had as much to be able to set aside for this. (Cash also takes care of the extra things I may need, things at the store, water, etc.) Well, my car is 8 miles away from the gas light coming on, so I knew I'd need to get gas when I left work if I wanted to be able to get back tomorrow.
No big deal, just use my card.
There technically is $38 in my account. And we get paid Monday.
But I've had to make some big purchases that have used what would normally be stored up in there for occasions like these; Pointe shoes, (complete with ribbon, elastics, and toe pads.) Dance Class registration fees, plane tickets for a wedding I booked, etc. So I was changing out all my coins for bills in the register so we don't have to worry about change on this holiday weekend and I can have a few bills instead. I forgot that I had hidden $10 from myself in my coin purse, but I want to leave that there. I think I may be able to squeeze out $20 from the ample amount of change from my car and the couple of ones I have in my wallet.
It literally came out to $20.05 total.
Now, I drive about 70 round trip for work every day, where I get paid slightly above minimum wage. It's not the amount of pay, nor the amount of hours I was told upon agreement to work here, but I push this out of my mind. Because God told me to work here. And if He told me to, then I'm supposed to be here, regardless of what reality tries to tell me.
I have to work 7 days this week, and I know that the girl working the bar will probably get good tips this weekend, which I'm fighting the reasoning of how unfair that seems to me because she works just as hard when she is here. She's entitled, too.
I'm just getting nervous and wanting to control and justify everything.
Which I can't do. That's not my job.
So I was talking about jobs with a friend of mine who has to renew her contract and in essence re-apply for her job. I told her that I have to miss a day of work due to tests the doctors have to run on me. Just kinda sucks, cause it's a whole day of work I'll miss simply because I have to do this test in the morning. Now, there are tons of benefits this will give me since I wasn't going to be able to have a day off for 3 weeks, but I know things are gonna be tight here coming up. Hours have already been cut and it's only going to get more extensive.
As I was typing to her, one of my little confirmation things from a dream I had came up. I sent it to the friend I was talking to and just kinda laughed at the irony in my head. Then a song came on that said, "I can feel a breakthrough coming" over and over. I stopped what I was doing and prayed.
"God. I trust You, I do. You're not gonna let me down. Help me to trust You. Help me not try to control this. Help me to just be able to sit here and wait on You to provide. You hear me. You see me. You're not gonna let me go under. You keep your promises."
I went back to some of the pictures I was editing and a man with his son and either sister or girlfriend came in asking about the golf carts we rent. I told them the different stipulations, and they asked about if it was possible to keep it over night so they could take it when they go fishing. This is a common thing people do, so I know my boss has let people do it before. I told them that my boss usually makes that call, but I can definitely ask him. I told them he may be in later on tonight if they wanted to check back at 6pm or so, but if he wasn't here, I would leave an answer with whoever is either way. The man put a $20 on the counter and said, "That's for you. For being so kind to us and asking your boss."
At first, I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't know if I should take him seriously, if I was allowed--many questions coming through my head, so I tucked it to the side, still kind of in sight in case I misunderstood.
He said it again as he left.

I can get gas now.
I can get gas to last me until Monday, and get the few groceries I needed to make real food for the weekend.
And I still don't have to touch what's left in my bank account.

It reminded me of the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."
Or, as I say it in my head,
"I have the Lord, I lack nothing."

He really is taking care of me.
I'm humbled, really, by how He is going about this whole season. Giving me exactly what I need, and even a little more.
My pointe shoes? I was given $120 (that I wasn't expecting) for housesitting last week. My pointe shoes in total cost $115.99. That's a $4.01 difference that I had extra. And I didn't even use the cash. I had enough buffer in my account to set the cash aside in to a place I'm saving in case I have an emergency, and if I don't then it'll go towards a lens.
The plane ticket I had to buy? I worked crazy hours a couple weeks back that warranted me an extra check. I was going to put it into my savings account, when I realized I would need the plane ticket. What I'm getting paid for the wedding will end up covering it, but I won't get that until later. The check was for $312.00. The plane ticket? $312.60.
You can't get that specific on accident.

A friend also sent me pictures of pages from a book she's reading about waiting. I need to get it, because it is so good, and exactly what I needed to hear. That I need to wait while I wait. The first "wait" meaning to serve as I do the second "wait" which means what we normally interpret the word to mean.

So, as I wait, I will serve the Lord; knowing that He is taking care of everything I need.
And not only what I need, but what I enjoy; like dance class.

I have the Lord, I lack nothing.

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