Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's been said...

It's been said that you don't know what you have until it's gone...

I've been pondering this concept recently...

Here's why...
See, I was at work last Friday, and my thumb got caught in my metal drawer while I was closing it...
I didn't expect it to hurt as badly as it did, but as the day went on, the pain got more intense.
Dad said I bruised my thumb bone...yeah, I so didn't even know that was possible!
Then I came to realize how much I use my thumb. I guess I never noticed that it affects virtually everything I do until I couldn't use it.

Then on Monday I was playing tag with two kids from my church. I did something to my foot to make me step on it weird, and now it's three different colors...
Once again, I didn't realize how important the proper function of my foot is until I can't use it...
I can't even go to Wal-Mart by myself... I really don't like being dependant. And now it's starting to turn purple, which isn't good, and could mean there's a fracture somewhere... great.

So, what is all this teaching me?
It's teaching me to look around. To notice the little things that may usually be overlooked. The things that make our life so much better and easier simply by just having it there.
To notice the people I have in my life, and everything they mean to me.
To make the most of the time I have with everything I have.
Life may not be perfect, perfect is boring.
But, it sure is beautiful.

So, look around.
Notice what makes your life run as smooth as it does
and take the time to appreciate it.


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