Sunday, July 18, 2010

Words change the world.

I was reading a blog of a Rockette
And it got me to thinking...
What if I wrote without worrying what people who read thought about it?
What if I really wrote what was on my heart and mind
And not take a moment to apologize.
Is what I write me, or isn't it?
Because if it isn't, what's the point of writing it?

I feel.
I'm not perfect.
I'm sure I'll say things that'll hurt people
But, I'm sure those people hurt by my words will also one day hurt someone with theirs...
I mean, I shouldn't blatently be rude, but I'm not always going to be successful.
Everyone is different in how they take things anyways...

I have a total of two followers.
That's it.
And, to top it off, I don't even know them
(but, hey, thanks for following me :D)
I've been so afraid for people to see this.
The feeling of exposure.
Like it's proof saying, "Hey, Emilee's not perfect! She has faults! Come see!"
But, then again, if I didn't want people to know, why would I blog?
Surely someone could find this if they wanted to.

But, who knows? My words could actually hold value...
Sure, I'm not much.
I'm not very profound.
But, I'm not you.
Which automatically gives me a different edge
Just because chances are I see things a little differently.
Or, if not, I'm someone you can relate to.

So, why hold it back?
Why hide this thing any longer?

I have something to say
why be afraid to say it?

One day, I'm going to die
We all are.
And isn't it funny that we seem to only get taken seriously after we're gone
And we don't have a mouth to move to form any more words?
All that's left is what we left behind.

One day, these words will hold meaning.
That's why I blog.
I have two followers now
But one day, someone I may not have even ever known will come across these words, read them, and maybe even be inspired.
Heck, I don't feel very inspirational, but who knows?

Maybe just exposing my flaws can help someone feel a little more normal.

So, here I am world.
I'm flawed.
I make mistakes.
I'll probably hurt and disappoint you.
But, I'm more than that.
I'm one little life
But I'm letting Jesus take control of it.
He's teaching me new things every day.

My life is His.
As imperfect and corrupt as it is...
But, I'm trying my best to make it an offering even remotely worthing of anything.
He loves me. Imperfections and all.
And He loves you.
Best part is, He wants you imperfect... He wants you real...
He wants you.

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