Sunday, November 14, 2010


Fact: Jesus loves me
Fact: I will fail you
Fact: I'm not very good at keeping up with people
Fact: My heart is pretty sensitive
Fact: I love my family
Fact: I battle fear often
Fact: I have a mosquito bite on my knee
Fact: I'm almost always thinking about multiple things
Fact: Everything has a point and long, extensive reasoning
Fact: I don't know what I want
Fact: I hear from God the most when I'm asleep or in the shower
Fact: Not many actually know me fully
Fact: I'm doing laundry
Fact: I'm mostly uncertain about thing right now
Fact: Crocheting calms me down, and makes me sleepy
Fact: Madea makes me smile
Fact: I like eating cookie dough
Fact: I have no idea what my future holds
Fact: I know Who holds my future
Fact: I love the smell of clean linen
Fact: I don't know how to cook
Fact: There are many better things I could be doing right now
Fact: My heart is heavy
Fact: I don't know...


  1. You're amazing miss Emilee. I'm really glad that you write these. Very, very often I feel the same way as you seem to, but I am incapable of expressing it in text. So I'm very glad that you're here to. It's uplifting at times, and at others just inspiring and makes me think. Keep it up. :)

  2. well, thank you so very much for the encouraging words! :)
    Most times I have no idea how to express anything... I just type anyway...
