Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Sometimes I go back on my old blog posts and glance over some while looking for something specific.
And sometimes in doing this, I'll read parts of things that surprise me.

Did I say that?
Am I sure I'm on my blog and not someone else's?

Then further.
Why don't I remember that when I need it?
Oh, there's my answer, I typed it here 8 months ago.

The point being: Speak.
Even if you don't feel you have anyone who will listen.
Find some way to get what is in your head and heart out.
If only to encourage yourself later on, do it.

Some of my old posts are just rants, some are pointless fact, some don't make sense to other people.
But sprinkled between those are bits of golden wisdom waiting to be found.
My words?
A blog I type?

I can't claim this wisdom. It's not some great realization I conjured up on my own. I can't take the credit, because it's not me. The Holy Spirit guides me, and whispers these things to me.
Now you have some weird visual of a foggy being whispering sweet nothings in my ear, right...
Well, that's not accurate either.
Sometimes I don't realize that it's the Holy Spirit showing me these things. Sometimes it takes writing and stumbling upon later. Sometimes I do see that it's Him and it makes me smile.

Get it out.

Do it.

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