Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate of others when it comes to words.

Sure, I'm not perfect either, and I'm sure there are times when my words come off in ways I don't intend. But there are some people who speak without a care of how you interpret it because to them it's not their problem.
But it is. It is your problem. You are inadvertently creating pain in another human being, and if that isn't a problem, I don't know what is.
No one is ever going to be perfect. It's impossible for every word you say to always be as sweet as honey, but you can do what is in your power to do to speak soft words.

Why would you want to say things that cut people down?
Why would you want to make someone feel ignorant?
Why would you want to tear someone apart?

Do you not realize that words have a lasting influence?
That what one is told is what echoes through their heads when they're alone?

You have the power to infiltrate someone's darkest times with light, why would you instead spout out swords that pierce through and shred on the way out?

Just because you are able to speak, doesn't mean you should.
Just because you have the ability to form words doesn't mean you should shoot them off without a second thought.

Yes, we are all different.
We are all raised differently and have different frames of mind.
I believe that is part of what makes the world beautiful.
Why not cultivate that beauty with kind words?

When you're dead and 6 feet deep, what will people say of you?
What will be their lasting impression?
What will live on longer than you?

Make it of kindness.
Make it warm fuzzies.
Make it something people want to remember, not something people can shrug off and move on from.
Make your life count, form your words with care.

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