Friday, February 20, 2015

Smiles in the sky.

Yesterday I became friends with an ex-drug addict at a gas station.

You heard me.

And while some people will praise me and some call me ignorant and more still will think I must be some sort of radical, it's none of those things at all.

I tried getting gas before dance. The pump was being weird. I left.
Decided to get gas after dance.
Made the logical decision of what station to go to--the easiest to get to.
Get out of my car, swipe my card, but the pump in my tank thingy, set it, and wait.
Next thing I know, I hear someone say, "Excuse me, do you know where Betty Jean is?"
I look up, and a girl is walking towards me.
I meet her kinda half-way--away from my car--and she tells me she has this address of where she needs to get to and the guy she asked for directions told her this street that she can't find and she walked all the way to this one street and back which is a rather long distance and couldn't find it. When I said, "Yeah, I do." and started pointing, she let out a sigh of relief.

Long story short; got my phone, pulled up google maps, plugged in the address, showed her the simple route from where we were.

She told me she was an ex-drug addict and was chasing the safe house instead of the drug and was just trying to get to it. She wanted to do better this time, and she didn't mind the walking because it kind of helped her but she was having a hard time finding the place.
I told her I had addictive behavior as well, that dancing helps me. She loves to dance. I told her where I take and to come try out a class. She sounded excited.

She told me how she looked up at the clouds while she was walking and saw--she laughed--a frowny face in the clouds. But that she decided she wasn't having it. She was going to stay positive and trust the outcome would be good. A little farther down the walk, she looked up again, and there was a smiley face in the clouds instead, "It's like God was telling me that He had it under control."
She seemed a little hesitant to tell me, like I would think she's crazy for seeing these things and coming to the conclusion she did. But I just said, "I see them, too." And mentioned how I see hearts everywhere, or have songs come on that I know is God confirming something.

We then talked about Lecrae and she started rapping one of her favorite verses and was so happy.

I added her on Facebook, where the story she told me matched up to what was on her timeline (about how she didn't have a phone cause she was jumped and that's how the veins got busted in her eye and she was trying to do better) and I smiled.

We shook hands and went on our ways.

It wasn't anything I was looking for.
I wasn't trying.
I didn't feel some intense knowing that I was supposed to be at that gas station last night,
But I was supposed to be at that gas station last night.

I was feeling pretty crappy before that moment. Like maybe certain things were my fault or I wasn't doing life well enough and all my troubles were a direct reflection of my life choices.
But then this happened, and I remembered why I live how I do.
God directs me all the time, even in simple things.
I just go with it.
I don't try too hard or not enough.
I just live.
That's all He's asked me to do is just live.
He takes care of the rest.

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