Sunday, February 2, 2014

Luke 2:19 -- But Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.
One version says "treasured."

Mary kept the things in her heart--to herself--and treasured them.

This scripture is one that is often at the back of my mind.
There are many things that I have been told that aren't necessarily to be shared. Sure, they can be great and exciting, but timing is everything.
You don't want to tell everyone... for one thing, you could come across as proud or snotty or whatever, and completely negate the point of what God wants to do with you or through you.

Also, not everyone will believe you.

When it's something God is doing, it'll happen. He'll do it. He'll find a way. Heck, He'll make a way.
When something like that is so sensitive on your heart, you can't afford negativity. 
Ponder those things in your heart. Treasure them.
They aren't things to be thrown around.
They have value.
Far exceeding temporary riches here.

The things the Lord tells you are eternal.
They last forever.
They won't wear out, they won't expire.

Treat the knowledge of the Lord with care.
It is a gift.
Guard it.
And when it comes time, use and utilize it.

Trust Him and His timing. 
He loves you.

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