Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I have decided.

My life now is my own adventure.
It is what I make it, and I need to live it to the fullest.
Sometimes it feels absolutely mundane and like nothing important.
Just a day-to-day grind that nothing can really come out of.

But, I have to remind myself
That most people feel this exact same way.
That all I can really do is keep going
And take all these other people, get them together and make something of ourselves.
Enjoy the days we have.

I want a story worth reading
A blog worth following
A life worth leading...

I want a legacy behind me when I'm gone.

I can't help but feel this to my core.
That there's more to me than this mundane outlook I seem to find myself behind.
That maybe, possibly one day this life will prove itself worthy of a second glance.

And while I want to go full force ahead with life
and take advantage of every moment I'm given
I'm held back
By the immense fear of being forgotten.

The thought of that makes me want to cry.

but I have to hold on to the fact that I know there's something more
Something I can't see
something worth writing about.
Even if it doesn't seem like much, currently
It's more than I can see.

Soon enough, life will prove itself
I can't let this fear get me down.
It'll all make sense one day.

I pray this day is soon
Or that at least some hope is lurking near by.

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